Some of these videos are complete seminars, some are excerpts. Also check out the instructional videos and music videos for more fun in the theater. You have to supply the popcorn, though...
What's Next?
Take a look into the future, with this Keynote address for the virtual Pro Audio+Radio tech summit held in April 2022.
Seminar given at MTSU that covers when high-resolution audio matters - and when it doesn't.
Excerpt from seminar at the MOTU booth, Winter NAMM, 2019 on guitar tone.
Excerpt from seminar at the MOTU booth, Winter NAMM, 2019 on using a de-esser for better amp sim tones.
Excerpt from seminar at the MOTU booth, Winter NAMM, 2019 - overview of Digital Performer's amp sims.
Before and after mastering, based on a mastering seminar given at Sweetwater Gearfest.
Seminar given at NAMM on "desktop mastering" with Presonus Studio One Professional.
Part 1 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
Part 2 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
Part 3 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
Part 4 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
Part 5 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
Part 6 of a six-part, in-depth series on desktop mastering with Studio One Professional.
I didn't do this, but I think it's a pretty good demo of why multiband distortion is so cool.
Part 1 of a two-part interview done a few years back with Sweetwater's Mitch Gallagher.
Part 2 of a two-part interview done a few years back with Sweetwater's Mitch Gallagher.