Welcome to the free downloads section, done in partnership with our friends at reverb.com. They host the craiganderton.com digital storefront, which is the central place to find my various products, and are also kind enough to host these free downloads. Also note that a new digital strorefront has opened up at musicplayernetwork.com, were you can purchase selected products, and simultaneously support the musicplayer.com forums. We hope you enjoy these free samples! There's more to come.

Download 11 Acid Bass Line loops, from the Acid Bass Lines loop library. These sample loops are all in the key of A, but the library contains 39 unique loops. The library includes the same 39 unique loops in the keys of C and E, resulting in 117 loops total. For more information, please visit the Acid Bass Lines landing page.
Download three multiband demo presets, along with the same presets as single-band versions for comparison: A30 Fawn.hlx, Mandrin80.hlx, and PV Panama.hlx. As with the full versions, these sample Multiband presets include all 8 snapshots. For more information, please visit the Craig Anderton's Amazing Multiband Helix Presets landing page.
PLEASE NOTE: Make sure that your HX Edit software and Helix Firmware version are at least 2.71, and Helix Native is at least 1.71. Versions 2.82 and 1.82 are highly recommended because they fix a setlist loading bug. Updated software is available from the Line 6 web site under Downloads.

Download the entire chapter Compressor from the book More than Compressors: The Complete Guide to Dynamics in Studio One.
Dynamics are a crucial emotional component of all types of music, so it’s important to apply dynamics processing in effectively and musically. This chapter covers how to use Studio One’s Compressor (although much of itapplies to any compressor), including compressor parameters and applications. For more information, please visit the More than Compressors: The Complete Guide to Dynamics in Studio One landing page.

Download the entire chapter Preparing your Vocals for the Mix from the book How to Record and Mix Great Vocals in Studio One.
The vocal is the most important part of any song: it’s the conversation that forms a bond between performer and listener. This chapter covers how to delete silences, reduce breath noise and inhales, reduce plosive severity, even out phrase levels with DSP, de-essing, pitch correction, and tweaking vibrato. For more information, please visit the How to Record and Mix Great Vocals in Studio One landing page.

Download the entire chapter on FX Chains, one of the most powerful features of Cakewalk by BandLab, from The Huge Book of Cakewalk by BandLab Tips. Topics covered include how to create a Harmonic Phaser, Virtual Stompbox Sustainer, Virtual Room Mics, Modeled Guitar Tone Control, Harmonic Tremolo, the "How Does It Sound in a Car?" tester, Serial Reverb for Vocals, an Instant Compressor (a single-knob compressor whose knob dials in various "sweet spots), and the Super-gentle "Lifter" Dynamics Processor.
For more information, please visit The Huge Book of Cakewalk by BandLab Tips landing page.

Download an excerpt from the book How to Use and Apply Equalization, one of eight books in the series Musician's Guide to Home Recording. This excerpt covers what you need to know about linear-phase EQ vs. non-linear phase EQ - latency issues, which one draws more CPU power, how to identify pre-ringing in linear -phase filters and post-ringing in non-linear-phase designs, how to minimize latency, and the extent to which the difference between them matters - or doesn't matter. For more information, please visit the Musician's Guide to Home Recording: How to Use and Apply Equalization landing page.

Download an excerpt from the book How to Record and Mix Great Vocals, one of eight books in the series Musician's Guide to Home Recording. This excerpt covers double-tracking, harmonizing, and layering vocals, include automatic double-tracking (ADT) plug-ins, pseudo-ADT with pitch correction, shifting pitch to create pseudo-double tracking, how to mix double-tracked vocals, the doubled vocal fix, creating harmonies with pitch correction software, techniques for layered vocals, dealing with inhales, shifting vocal formants, and fixing notes that don't end at the same time. For more information, please visit the Musician's Guide to Home Recording: How to Record and Mix Great Vocals landing page.

Download an excerpt from the book How to Choose and Use Audio Interfaces, one of eight books in the series Musician's Guide to Home Recording. This excerpt covers how to optimize latency with computer recording, including latency basics, adjusting latency, latency specifications, converting milliseconds of latency to samples and vice-versa, and nine tips on how to obtain the lowest possible latency. For more information, please visit the Musician's Guide to Home Recording: How to Choose and Use Audio Interfaces landing page.

Download 13 free sample loops from the AdrenaLinn Guitars sample library. The AdrenaLinn guitar processor provides beat-oriented, step-sequenced sounds. I created this sample CD so that when I couldn't make gigs in Germany, the band could load a "virtual me" into their MPC.
These loops use stretchable file formats, and are recorded at 100 BPM so they cover tempos from 90 to 160 BPM. All library loops are recorded in E and Bb so they can be transposed without excessive artifacts, but the free ones are in E. For more information, please visit the AdrenaLinn Guitars landing page.

Download over 100 Megabytes of free loops, demos, and samples from the Electronic Ear Candy sample library, which is designed to "accessorize" EDM productions. The Chord Progression Loops and Rhythmic Tonal Loops have 3 individual layers and a composite loop with all 3 layers. There are also 2 fun sound effects, 5 closed hat and 5 kick loops from the multitracked drum loops, 4percussion loops, and 8 royalty-free mixed files (derived from the Melodic Group loops) and 2 demo songs.
These loops use stretchable file formats; they're recorded at 100 BPM and cover tempos from 90 to 160 BPM. For more information about the 2.2 GB of content, please visit the Electronic Ear Candy landing page.